  • 当タイムテーブルは、ケモノコンベンション「JMoF 2025」の開催内容を補完するものです。JMoFについて、詳しくはJMoF公式ウェブサイトを参照してください。
    This event timetable is intended to supplement the content of a furry convention “JMoF 2025”. For more information about JMoF, please visit the official JMoF website.
  • 当タイムテーブルは予告なく更新することがありますので、ご了承ください。
    This event timetable is subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.
  • 2024年11月30日(土)現在、公開準備中の企画があります。今後の更新をお待ちください。
    As of November 30th (Sat.), 2024, there are events that we are preparing to publish. Please stay tuned for further updates.
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Saturday, January 11

09:00 JST

ラジオ体操|Radio calisthenics
Saturday January 11, 2025 09:00 - 11:00 JST
今度のラジオ体操は一味違う!?生演奏に合わせてみんなでレッツエクササイズ!ホールCから元気にJMoF 2日目スタートだ!

The next radio calisthenics will be different! Let's exercise together to live music! The second day of JMoF will start from Hall C!
Saturday January 11, 2025 09:00 - 11:00 JST
35|1F ホールC|Hall C, 1F

10:00 JST

IMAGESTUDIO Noise(着ぐるみ撮影ブース)|IMAGESTUDIO Noise (Fursuit Photography Booth)
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 13:00 JST
IMAGESTUDIO Noiseのフォトグラファーがあなたの素敵なキャラクターを無料で撮影します。

IMAGESTUDIO Noise’s photographer takes photos of attendees for free!
The taken photos will be published in the official album on Flickr several months later. You’re also able to get prints both on-site and by post at a later date ordering from a website exclusive to JMoF attendees.
Our FastPass service will shorten your waiting time by which you can book the timeslot. For more details, please visit our website.
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 13:00 JST
21|1F ホワイエ ホールA前|Foyer (Hall A side), 1F

10:00 JST

Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 14:00 JST
車やバイクが好きなそこの貴方! 車やバイクと一緒に撮影したり、同じ趣味の人と交流しませんか?

How about enjoying photography together and interacting with people who share the same hobby through cars and motorcycles?
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 14:00 JST
71|屋外 ホールD横 | Outside (Hall D side)

10:00 JST

受付|Registration and Badge Pick-up
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 20:00 JST

We will be accepting registrations on the day of the event and handing over participation certificates to overseas participants. Goods and raffles will also be on sale from the second day.
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 20:00 JST
12|1F ホールロビー 桃前|Hall Lobby (Momo side), 1F

10:00 JST

JMoFイラストコンテスト2025|JMoF Art Contest 2025
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 21:00 JST
JMoF 2025では、第6回となるイラストコンテストを開催します。

JMoF 2025 will hold its 6th annual art contest.
The theme for this year's call for entries is “Possibilities. No prior experience or skills in contests are required. No advance registration is required, so you can just show up on the day of the contest and participate.
Why don't you present your overflowing passion and the skills you have accumulated on a daily basis at the contest?
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 21:00 JST
42|2F 楓|Kaede, 2F

10:00 JST

アーティストラウンジ|Artist Lounge
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 22:00 JST

The motto of the artist lounge is that the fandom is about “more than just fursuits”. It’s a place where attendees can enjoy communicating with each other through their art or art activities. You can spend your time in the lounge drawing, exchange artworks, take on commissions and much more. Of course, you’re welcome to join the programs that are held in the lounge as well!
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 22:00 JST
43|2F 楓・椛|Kaede & Momiji, 2F

10:00 JST

ヘッドレスラウンジ|Headless Lounge
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 22:00 JST

The Headless Lounge is a rest area for the participants who are wearing a fursuit. For more details, please visit our website.
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 22:00 JST
23|1F ホワイエ ホールD前|Foyer (Hall D side), 1F

10:00 JST

VRラウンジ|VR Lounge
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 22:30 JST
2020年より実施しているVR JMoFが、今回VRラウンジとしてどデカく開催されます!

VR JMoF, which has been held since 2020, will be held this time as VR Lounge in a huge scale!
During the event, we will not only offer VR experiences, but also interactive delivery in Fursuits and parareal projects that transcend the boundaries between real life and VR that can only be experienced here using a large screen! A group photo and collaborative project exhibition for VR users will also be held during the exhibition!
Whether you are a person who is immersed in VR in body and soul or a person who is interested in VR but has never tried it before, please come and visit us!
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:00 - 22:30 JST
41|2F 桜|Sakura, 2F

10:30 JST

Procreate講座|Recture of How to use "Procreate"
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:30 - 12:30 JST
JMoF 2025では、ながべ先生(@mucknagabe)を講師としてお迎えし、Procreate講座を開催いたします!

I'm sure there are many of you who have Procreate on your iPad but are not very good at using it. ......
At JMoF 2025, we will welcome Mr. Nagabe (@mucknagabe) as a lecturer and hold a lecture on Procreate!
Mr. Nagabe will also give a demonstration during the lecture!
Why don't you take this opportunity to learn about Procreate?
We are looking forward to your participation!
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:30 - 12:30 JST
31|1F ホールA|Hall A, 1F

10:30 JST

アニマルアート展示「MULTIFAUNA|多元動物相」|Animal Art Exhibition “MULTIFAUNA|多元動物相”
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:30 - 17:00 JST
アニマルは、日常と非日常との別を問わず、実に多様な姿貌で私たちの前にあらわれます。動物、動物キャラクター、獣人、幻想動物、クリーチャー——ファーリーコンベンションにおける表象も、そのコンテクストに位置付けられるのではないでしょうか。 5名の作家を迎えて開催する当展、アニマルアートが好きな方は勿論、普段はあまりご体験なさらない方にもぜひ、作家それぞれの多様な動物が織りなす宇宙をご覧いただければ幸いです。

Animals appear in a wide variety of forms, whether in everyday life or beyond it. Animals, animal characters, anthros, fantastical creatures, and other creatures — the representations found at furry conventions can likewise be understood within this broader context. We will host this exhibition by 5 artists; weaving the multiverse through the diverse animals of each. We warmly invite not only fans of animal art but also those who may not usually explore this genre to come and enjoy the exhibition.
Saturday January 11, 2025 10:30 - 17:00 JST

11:00 JST

着ぐるみクリエイターコンテスト2025|Japan Fursuit Creators’ Competition 2025
Saturday January 11, 2025 11:00 - 13:00 JST
JMoF 2025で8回目となる、着ぐるみクリエイターのためのコンテストを開催します。技術や理想を追求したクリエイターたちがデビュー1年以内の新作の着ぐるみを披露し、審査員たちの評価により受賞者を決定します。クリエイターたちの勇姿を是非ご覧あれ!

At JMoF 2025, we are excited to host the 7th edition of the contest dedicated to fursuit creators. Creators who’ve pursued their skill and ideals will show off a recent fursuit work, and the judges will score and declare a winner. We are introducing a new award called the 'Rookie Award' this year! We invite you to witness the fursuit creators’ masterpieces!
Saturday January 11, 2025 11:00 - 13:00 JST
37|1F ホールD|Hall D, 1F

12:00 JST

JMoF 2025 Dance Competition
Saturday January 11, 2025 12:00 - 13:30 JST

A space where participants can dance freely to the music selected by the DJ will be presented. The goal of this project is to provide a place where it is easy to dance as a dancer, something you cannot experience at a dance party. Come with your friends or by yourself and share the best time with your best performance!
Saturday January 11, 2025 12:00 - 13:30 JST
35|1F ホールC|Hall C, 1F

14:00 JST

15:00 JST

集合写真&パレード|Fursuit Group Photo & Parade
Saturday January 11, 2025 15:00 - 16:00 JST
JMoF 2025の集合写真をホリデイホールA・B・Cで撮影します!
撮影後はホテルを飛び出してパレードへ行こう!! We will capture the JMoF 2025 group photo in Holiday Hall A, B, and C The shutter will released at exactly 15:00. Don't be late! After the shoot, step outside the hotel for a vibrant parade under the clear winter sky!!
Saturday January 11, 2025 15:00 - 16:00 JST
33|1F ホールA・B・C|Hall A & B & C, 1F

16:00 JST

IMAGESTUDIO Noise(着ぐるみ撮影ブース)|IMAGESTUDIO Noise (Fursuit Photography Booth)
Saturday January 11, 2025 16:00 - 21:00 JST
IMAGESTUDIO Noiseのフォトグラファーがあなたの素敵なキャラクターを無料で撮影します。

IMAGESTUDIO Noise’s photographer takes photos of attendees for free!
The taken photos will be published in the official album on Flickr several months later. You’re also able to get prints both on-site and by post at a later date ordering from a website exclusive to JMoF attendees.
Our FastPass service will shorten your waiting time by which you can book the timeslot. For more details, please visit our website.
Saturday January 11, 2025 16:00 - 21:00 JST
21|1F ホワイエ ホールA前|Foyer (Hall A side), 1F

17:00 JST

Saturday January 11, 2025 17:00 - 18:30 JST

This program show many kinds of submitted videos related to furry, such as singing, dancing, performing, trying anything, and so on! Enjoy everyone's Furry Movies together on the big screen and with rich sound!
Saturday January 11, 2025 17:00 - 18:30 JST
37|1F ホールD|Hall D, 1F

17:00 JST

MoF Riddle『Mission in the Multiverse』
Saturday January 11, 2025 17:00 - 19:00 JST
「MoF Riddle」は、制限時間内に暗号やパズルを解き、最終目的の達成を目指す体験型の謎解きゲーム・イベントです。

”MoF Riddle” is an interactive riddle-solving game and event in which participants solve codes and puzzles within a time limit to achieve the final objective.
The language for this event will be Japanese only. Thank you for your understanding.
Pre-registration is required to participate in this event.
Saturday January 11, 2025 17:00 - 19:00 JST
35|1F ホールC|Hall C, 1F

18:30 JST

リアルVRホワイトボード|Real–VR Whiteboard
Saturday January 11, 2025 18:30 - 19:30 JST
リアル/バーチャルどちらの会場からも書き込める「リアルVRホワイトボード」を、今年も時間限定でホールロビーに設置します! VRChatからの参加者とお絵かきを通して交流しよう!

Imagine how fun it will be if there's a whiteboard interactive with both real and VR worlds... We actually have—the Real–VR Whiteboard! It returns and appears in the hall lobby for a limited time. Let's communicate with people in the VR JMoF world on VRChat!
Saturday January 11, 2025 18:30 - 19:30 JST
11|1F ホールロビー|Hall Lobby, 1F

19:30 JST

Saturday January 11, 2025 19:30 - 21:30 JST

Furries love fur, but also more kinds of fur-less outfits! Silky smooth tights-skinned, slippery rubber-skinned...there’re all kinds. We’ll be waiting for every critters and people interested in them, but just remember here's public space!
Note: When moving between places where there are hotel guests or JMoF attendees, please dress properly, including putting on outerwear if necessary.
Saturday January 11, 2025 19:30 - 21:30 JST
61|30F ル・モン|Le Mont, 30F

20:00 JST

Saturday January 11, 2025 20:00 - 22:30 JST
ケモノと音楽で世界を救え!?JMoFを代表する技術チームが贈る空前絶後のサウンドラウンジ「TripFur」、降臨。 音楽を楽しみ、ヒトもケモノもみんなで踊り明かそう!

Save the world with furry and music?! JMoF's technical team presents an unprecedented sound lounge "Trip Fur". Take an excursion to us and dance your tail off!!
Saturday January 11, 2025 20:00 - 22:30 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F
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