JMoF 2025 ゲストオブオナーの山口勝平様によるサイン会を実施します。事前抽選はGoH Talk Showの中で実施します。抽選券はGoH Talk Showの入場時に、先着順・数量限定(500名を予定)でお渡しします。なお、サインは当選者に配布するポストカードでのみ受取可能となります。
https://www.jmof.jp/guest-of-honor* This session is only available to those selected in the preliminary drawing (tentatively around 100 people).
Please be aware of this in advance. Mr. Kappei Yamaguchi, the Guest of Honor of JMoF 2025, will hold an autograph session. The preliminary drawing will be held during the GoH Talk Show. Tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis at the entrance to the GoH Talk Show, and are limited (tentatively up to 500). Autographs will only be available on postcards that will be distributed to those selected in the drawing.
https://www.jmof.jp/en/guest-of-honor●主な使用言語|Primary Language(s) of Use
●撮影条件|Photo/Video Taking
※録音もNG|Voice recording is also prohibited
●情報公開条件|Information Disclosure
※内容に触れない感想であれば許容|Comments that do not include the content are acceptable