  • 当タイムテーブルは、ケモノコンベンション「JMoF 2025」の開催内容を補完するものです。JMoFについて、詳しくはJMoF公式ウェブサイトを参照してください。
    This event timetable is intended to supplement the content of a furry convention “JMoF 2025”. For more information about JMoF, please visit the official JMoF website.
  • 当タイムテーブルは予告なく更新することがありますので、ご了承ください。
    This event timetable is subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.
  • 2024年11月30日(土)現在、公開準備中の企画があります。今後の更新をお待ちください。
    As of November 30th (Sat.), 2024, there are events that we are preparing to publish. Please stay tuned for further updates.
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strong>36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F [clear filter]
Friday, January 10

14:00 JST

開会式|Opening Ceremony
Friday January 10, 2025 14:00 - 14:30 JST
JMoFの3日間が、はじまるよ! すぐにでも遊びに行きたい気持ちはちょっと抑えて、来てもらえるとうれしいな。

I know you guys are so hungry to dive into the wave of furs right now, but I would be happy if you could suppress your hunger and come with me.
Friday January 10, 2025 14:00 - 14:30 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F

14:30 JST

はじめてのJMoF|So This is Your First JMoF
Friday January 10, 2025 14:30 - 15:00 JST
JMoF 2025へようこそ!「JMoFってどんなイベントなんだろう……」「どうやって楽しめばいいんだろう……」そんな風に考えているそこのあなた。はじめてのJMoFでは、ケモノコンベンションであるJMoFを100倍楽しむ方法をお伝えします。もちろん、ベテラン参加者も大歓迎!あなたの知らないJMoFがここで見つかるかも。

Welcome to JMoF 2025! In this session, JMoF staff will lecture you on how to enjoy JMoF and make the most of this opportunity to find new aspects of your furry life. Not only newcomers but also con veterans will be able to find brand-new aspects of JMoF here.
Friday January 10, 2025 14:30 - 15:00 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F

19:00 JST

GoH Talk Show
Friday January 10, 2025 19:00 - 20:00 JST
JMoF 2025では、山口 勝平(やまぐち かっぺい)様をゲストオブオナーとしてお招きし、トークショーを実施します。

In order to encourage and spur the kemono community’s unique and widely diverse creativity, we here at JMoF invite distinguished individuals who’ve made great strides both within and outside of kemono culture as Guests of Honor (GoH), and organize events that are bound to inspire all participants to envision a bright future.
We’ve invited Mr. Kappei Yamaguchi to JMoF 2025 as our Guest of Honor, and will hold a talk show with him.
Friday January 10, 2025 19:00 - 20:00 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F

21:00 JST

トーク&スナック “超エキサイティン!!”|Talk & Snack, Über Exciting!!
Friday January 10, 2025 21:00 - 22:30 JST
素敵な仲間とお菓子をつまみながら会話を楽しんで、開催初日の夜から遊び尽くそう! キャラ出しOKで自由に遊べるオープンスペース、お菓子は持ち寄りで! Excitingな展示もあるよ!

Let’s have a blast from the very first night, enjoying snacks and chatting with wonderful friends! We have an open space where you can fursuit and hang out freely. Feel free to bring your favorite snacks to share! We also have exciting exhibits for you to check out!
Friday January 10, 2025 21:00 - 22:30 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F
Saturday, January 11

20:00 JST

Saturday January 11, 2025 20:00 - 22:30 JST
ケモノと音楽で世界を救え!?JMoFを代表する技術チームが贈る空前絶後のサウンドラウンジ「TripFur」、降臨。 音楽を楽しみ、ヒトもケモノもみんなで踊り明かそう!

Save the world with furry and music?! JMoF's technical team presents an unprecedented sound lounge "Trip Fur". Take an excursion to us and dance your tail off!!
Saturday January 11, 2025 20:00 - 22:30 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F
Sunday, January 12

15:30 JST

16:30 JST

18:30 JST

閉会式|Closing Ceremony
Sunday January 12, 2025 18:30 - 19:00 JST

How time flies and the end of 3 days is approaching. I know you guys are so regret that this ends so fast. But trust me, this will be a great closing ceremony. Come, let's join!
Sunday January 12, 2025 18:30 - 19:00 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F

20:30 JST

デッドドッグパーティー|Dead Dog Party
Sunday January 12, 2025 20:30 - 22:30 JST

The last banquet. Whether you've done it all or have regrets, let's end with a smile! Don't forget your participation card, invitation, and ID.
*Pre-registration and tickets are required to attend.
Sunday January 12, 2025 20:30 - 22:30 JST
36|1F ホールC・D|Hall C & D, 1F
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